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Floral Craftsmanship plus Wool

Using natural products in floristry such as paper, wax, feathers and the like is not new. There have been smaller and bigger waves throughout the ages when florists used non-floral materials and products to add something extra to otherwise plain plant materials. The intention is always to make floral design more exciting and multifaceted. The same applies to the subject wool, especially considering that its fibrous structure and flowing movement appears very floral itself. This book demonstrates how wool, felt and cotton can be used to play with all the design elements of floristry in order to rekindle the love of flowers and plants and ensure it does not fade.

Floral Craftsmanship plus Wool

SKU: B008102
  • AUTHOR: Gregor Lersch
    PUBLISHER: Floral Design Edition
    PAGES: 106
    DIMENSIONS: 30 x 24cm
    COVER: Softback

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